Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Login Procedures

Destination Reading/Math may be accessed from any high speed Internet connection. Here are the login steps:

  1. Visit this website:
  2. From the login screen enter your username and password. Use the following username and password pattern. Username= 5 x 2 email format and password is school.
  3. To explore the reading and math content, click on either the Math tab or the Language Arts tab. Choose the course you would like to preview.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Discussion Question

How are you using the Riverdeep products in your school? Do your students go to the lab for instruction? Are you using it with an interactive white board? How about for small group instruction? Please post your comments here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Destination Reading Resources

I have collected a few resources that might help you get started using the management system.

Destination Reading Resources Course 1
Take Home Print Activities
Classroom Print Activities
Scope and Sequence Chart

Destination Reading Resources Course 2
Take Home Print Activities
Classroom Print Activities
Scope and Sequece Chart

Destination Reading Resources Course 3
Lesson Plans

Best Practices

Destination Reading and Math have dynamic content that works great for small/whole group instruction. If you have had experiences using the Riverdeep products with your students, please post your comments here.

Best Practices for Whole or Small Group Presentation

Present lessons that introduce, reinforce, enrich, or extend concepts – projecting from a computer for whole or small-group instruction:

Begin with what students already know. Select a lesson that shows a concept students already know. Move to what they do not know while integrating new concepts in small increments.

Establish learners’ intrinsic need for the learning. Link concepts to what students relate to and want to learn about. Students tend to learn best when they are able to make the connection between what they are learning with what they relate to, therefore, tying the concepts to applications and topics they are interested in.

Provide real-life applications. Transfer what is learned in the presentation lesson to practical situations. Allow students to see how the new skills apply to their own specific needs. Foster discussions of ways to actively incorporate the new skills and allow time for students to practice these new skills.

Create and maintain learners’ interest. Be excited yourself! Encourage students to take an active part in the learning process. Capitalize on the interactive and engaging Riverdeep lessons by involving students at every opportunity.

Foster discussion and active participation.Use group discussions, demonstrations, projects and/or real-life applications to tap the students’ experiences and willing participation. Allow students to lead the presentations while “teaching” each other.

Give students choices about their learning. Allow them to be involved in determining which lessons and/or parts of lessons they want to have presented. Some lessons lend themselves best to individual exploration while others are appropriate when experienced in presentation mode. After being introduced in the classroom in presentation mode, students can work individually on lessons when lab or classroom computers are available.

Use flexible pacing and provide direction, integration, and extension at every opportunity.
Elicit students’ expectations and understanding as the lesson is being presented. Rethink and readjust goals, outcomes, and pacing if necessary.

Give informational materials to students. Reinforce and enhance the information presented in the lessons by expecting students to take notes, giving them logbooks that accompany each lesson as well as handouts of key points and reference material guides.

Provide recognition, encouragement, and approval. Encourage students to share personal experiences. Maintain good eye contact. Be an active listener when they are sharing and respond to them positively.

Riverdeep Learning Management System

Hello Everyone,

I have created this blog so everyone has a place to come together to ask questions and share implementation experiences. Please post your questions and comments about using the Learning Management System here.

Discussion Questions

What is the thing you like the most about the Learning Management System?

What is your least favorite feature?